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1 min

In Your Own Language

Preparation: You’ll need Bibles, snacks hidden around your meeting room, several different foreign-language tapes (check your local library for these), and a cassette player for each tape. (If necessary, have kids bring cassette players from home to the meeting.) If you can’t find foreign-language tapes, record five-minute segments of foreign-language cable TV channels.…

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3 mins

Authentic Repentance

For the past couple of weeks, the Lord has been showing me and speaking to me about repentance in our generation. So I begin studying this thing we call repentance and came to 4 underlying fact…. That in order for there to be authentic forgiveness, there must first be sincere repentance/lamenting.…

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2 mins

Look Again, for the First Time

How do you plan a new year for youth ministry? New challenges, new triumphs, new opportunities to reach students for Jesus? New goals? Where do you sense God’s leading in your ministry to youth… and how will you get there? Take a fresh and prayerful look at your ministry, and consider including these on your list of essential goals: Give students a fresh look at who God really is Teenagers who have never truly discovered God can’t worship him “with deepest awe” (Psalm 5:7).…

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2 mins

The Becoming

Life is a process of becoming. A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. A maggot mutates into a fly. A teen morphs into adulthood. Creation is in a process of transforming, mutating, morphing—becoming. This becoming, however, is harder than it seems, especially for young leaders in the church.…

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1 min

404 Not Found

Oops! We can’t find the page you’re looking for! Ok, we’ll admit it – it’s likely our fault! We’ve completely changed our website, and the page you want is probably either under the sofa cushions or in the bottom of the sock drawer.…

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1 min

Why I love Youth Ministry

In my teen years, I was the epitome of being a hearer only and not DOING what the Word said (James 1:22). I was a believer, but because I believed lies and had little accountability, I lived a double-life. I see compartmentalized teenage Christians everywhere, everyday.…

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5 mins

An Open Letter to Yoda

Don’t get me wrong. I love Yoda. You know – that little green Jedi who sounds like Kermit the Frog on steroids? I love that he’s two feet tall and can whoop up on bad guys 3 times his size. I especially like how after he opens up a can of Star Wars kick tail and jumps around like a Mexican jumping bean, he leans on his staff and limps off into the sunset.…

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3 mins

Revolutionizing Youth Ministry

Revolution: "A sudden or momentous change in a situation; to overthrow the current system for something radical and fresh" Youth ministry needs a revolution. It needs to be overthrown, retooled and reborn. The majority of what passes as youth ministry is organized babysitting: songs, games, a short devo and pizza afterward…yippee!…

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